Studying this wonderful therapy to an advanced level has given me a deep understanding of the energy system and chakras, as well as a very accurate (in my experience) guide to symptoms of ill health and stress, and how they relate to areas of imbalance in our life. It has empowered me to live my life in balance and also given me the tools to understand that when imbalances arise (stress, illness etc) I can look at what’s going on in my life and make the connection, and then address it to bring myself back into balance. The tools from this therapy also inform all other treatments that I provide to help empower you back into balance.
The Body Mirror Healing System is based on the idea that the parts of your body that do not work well reflect the parts of your life that do not work well, and about which there is tension in your consciousness.
Tension is stress, and stress causes symptoms which can range from a sore throat for example to perceived life threatening illnesses and disease.
We are beings of energy and when we become stressed our energy system becomes blocked and we can manifest physical illnesses. These illnesses are our body’s way of trying to give us a message that all is not well in our world. Unfortunately we don’t always understand this message and have no idea how to restore ourselves back to balance and good health. There is, however, a way to interpret what our body is trying to tell us, the Body Mirror Healing System.
If you wish to release a symptom, it is important to release the stress that created the symptom, by bringing to harmony the parts of your life that have not been working well. The Body Mirror System can provide the means of identifying the specific tensions creating the particular symptoms, as well as the tools intended to release these symptoms. When this is done, resolving the tensions in your consciousness about what was not working well in your life allows you to release the inner cause of the symptoms. It is then possible for your body and your consciousness to return to their natural state of balance, and for you to return to the way of being that works best for you.
The fee for a 1 hour treatment including consultation is £55 as a distance healing via Zoom or in person at my Clitheroe therapy space.
Also available – Life Guidance Oracle Card Reading with Energy Rebalancing £69.
To book a session please email or message Tania on 07910 126938.